50 ml 2
Argāna barojošais krēms raisa maigu sajūtu uz ādas, noņem savilkumu. Pat sausa āda, kas lobās, atgūst maigumu un veselību. 1
By intensively hydrating extremely dry skin over the long term and providing it with valuable lipids, the SKINOVAGE Moist + Lipid Cream instantly reduces uncomfortable feelings of tightness. The skin is fully hydrated and can maintain its health. 1
C kompleksa krēms ir piemērots nogurušai un novājinātai ādai. Piešķir sejas ādai dzīvīgumu un jauneklīgu mirdzumu. 1
It reduces skin redness, leaving the complexion looking more even, and improves the appearance of couperose. 1
It visibly combats all types of lines and wrinkles, such as expression lines and gravitational lines, as well as loss of tone. The cream provides an individual lifting experience, leaving your skin looking smoother and more elastic, and facial contours more defined. 2
Mīmikas krunciņu kontroles krēms redzami samazina sejas izteiksmes līnijas un piešķir ādai svaigāku, gludāku un jauneklīgāku izskatu. 1
SeaCreation protects against premature skin aging, promotes anti-aging skin functions and reduces existing signs of aging. The skin appears firmer, smoother and youthfully fresh. 1
SeaCreation protects against premature skin aging, promotes anti-aging skin functions and reduces existing signs of skin aging. The skin appears firmer, smoother and youthfully fresh. 2
TWith the regulation of sebum production and excessive oily sheen, the SKINOVAGE Purifying Cream effectively reduces blemishes and associated irritation and their redevelopment is prevented at the same time. In addition, the skincare cream refines the skin surface and strengthens the skin’s natural protective properties, preserving its health and youthfulness. 1
Tas tvirtina ādu acu zonā un optiski paceļ plakstiņus. Krēms piedāvā individuālu liftinga terapiju un padara ādu gludāku, jaunāku un elastīgāku. 1
The INTENSE CALM Extract in combination with allantoin and panthenol reduces unpleasant feelings of tension, irritation and redness induced by stress. This causes the protective skin barrier to appear strengthened and the skin’s susceptibility to irritants is reduced.
Additionally, the EpigenTech power peptide provides epigenetic aging prevention and strengthens the cells. 1
The SKINOVAGE Moisturizing Cream effectively fights dryness and leaves skin looking supple, rosy fresh and plumper, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles caused by dryness. 1
The SKINOVAGE Moisturizing Eye Cream is not only an ideal base for eye make-up, but above all is intensively hydrating. This diminishes puffiness and dark circles and instantly smooths fine lines and wrinkles. This instant effect also prevents the first signs of aging around the eyes, such as wrinkles caused by dryness. 1
The cream soothes the symptoms of neuro-sensitive, extremely sensitive and very dry skin. It also relieves unpleasant feelings of tightness and itching. The skin is calmed and rebalanced, and looks supple and relaxed. 1
The cream soothes the symptoms of neuro-sensitive and very dry skin. It also relieves unpleasant feelings of tightness and itching. The skin is calmed and rebalanced, and looks supple and relaxed. 1
The latest generation of cosmetic anti-aging care for smoother-looking skin and a radiant complexion. High-performance ingredients that smooth and plump from within meet a unique pampering experience in line with the BABOR clean formula promise. 1
The precious oils and multi-functional ingredients of the Rejuvenating Face Oil leave the skin feeling silky soft without feeling too heavy. The skin appears supple, smooth and even, and the complexion radiates youthful freshness. 1
The skin is balanced and fresh. 1
VITALIZING CREAM ir īpaši izstrādāts nogurušai ādai. Tādi faktori kā stress vai emocionālā slodze, vides ietekme, piemēram UV vai zilā spektra gaismas starojums, gaisa piesārņojums, ādai bieži liek izskatīties nogurušai, apvītušai vai pelēcīgai. Tai pietrūkst mirdzuma, tā izskatās raupja, nelīdzena, un zaudē elastību un tvirtumu. Ādai pietrūkst enerģijas pretoties nelabvēlīgai ārējās vides ietekmei un optimāli izmantot tai piemītošās pašatjaunošanās spējas. Rezultātā tā zaudē noturību pret ārējiem faktoriem, kas izraisa stresu, un āda ātrāk noveco. 1
VITALIZING CREAM ir īpaši izstrādāts nogurušai ādai. Tādi faktori kā stress vai emocionālā slodze, vides ietekme, piemēram UV vai zilā spektra gaismas starojums, gaisa piesārņojums, ādai bieži liek izskatīties nogurušai, apvītušai vai pelēcīgai. Tai pietrūkst mirdzuma, tā izskatās raupja, nelīdzena, un zaudē elastību un tvirtumu. Ādai pietrūkst enerģijas pretoties nelabvēlīgai ārējās vides ietekmei un optimāli izmantot tai piemītošās pašatjaunošanās spējas. Rezultātā tā zaudē noturību pret ārējiem faktoriem, kas izraisa stresu, un āda ātrāk noveco. 1
With SKINOVAGE Calming Cream Rich, irritation and redness caused by stress are instantly soothed and feelings of tightness are reduced. The intensive skincare provides the skin with important lipids and makes it less sensitive to external stressors. As a result, it also protects against premature skin aging caused by exposure to light and heat and maintains skin health 1
With the regulation of sebum production and excessive oily sheen, the SKINOVAGE Purifying Cream effectively reduces blemishes and associated irritation, and their redevelopment is prevented at the same time. In addition, the skincare cream refines the skin surface and strengthens the skin’s natural protective properties, preserving its health and youthfulness. 1
Šis samtainais krēms ir īpaši veidots jaukta tipa sejas ādai. Jaukta tipa ādu raksturo atsevišķas zonas, kur āda ir sausa, un citas – kur tā ir taukaina un spīdīga. Ja āda uz vaigiem un acu zonā parasti ir sausa, tad, jo īpaši, T-zonā piere, deguns, zods tā ir taukaina, spīdīga un ar paplašinātām porām. 1
Šis samtaini vieglās tekstūras krēms ir īpaši veidots jaukta tipa sejas ādai. Uzklājot to uz ādas, krēms rada intensīvu mitrināšanas sajūtu.
Šis krēms ir ideāli piemērots ekskluzīvam jaukta tipa ādas kopšanas režīmam ikdienā. Jaukta tipa ādu raksturo atsevišķas zonas, kur āda ir sausa, un citas – kur tā ir taukaina un spīdīga. Ja āda uz vaigiem un acu zonā parasti ir sausa, tad, jo īpaši, T-zonā piere, deguns, zods tā ir taukaina, spīdīga un ar paplašinātām porām. 1
Šis vieglas tekstūras krēms ir īpaši izstrādāts acu zonai, kur āda sliecas uzrādīt noguruma pazīmes – maisiņus un tumšus lokus. Ap acīm āda ir plānāka nekā citas sejas zonās, tai ir nepieciešama īpaša kopšana. 1