DOCTOR BABOR ENZYME PEELING – šie jaunās paaudzes enzīmu pīlingi ādai nekavērotojies piešķir jauneklīgu, mirdzuma pilnu izskatu tikai 6 minūšu laikā. ..
This rich cleansing cream was specially developed for sensitive skin. The ultra-mild formula contains no fragrances and starts caring for skin during cleansing...
Jauna formula, jaunas iespējas sejai!
8 dažādu tipu hialuronskābe un tripeptīda sadarbība, stimulē hiluaronskābes veidošanos ādā. Rezultātā āda tiek dziļi mitrināta, iegūst elastību, izlīdzinās ādas mikroreljefs...
The Re-Use Silicon Eye Patches made of 100% high-quality medical silicon were developed specially for use with the Fresh & Smooth Eye Serum. The Re-Use Silicon Eye Patches are reusable, feel like a second layer of skin, and amplify the power of the Fresh & Smooth Eye Serum thanks to their occlusive ..
The facial cream with prebiotics & probiotics, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and an extract from sugar beet instantly and sustainably increases the skin's moisture level. The first signs of premature skin aging are prevented in combination with the Moisture Glow Serum and light-reflecting pigments visu..
Provides intensive and immediate moisture with prebiotics & probiotics, hyaluronic acid and aloe vera. Prevents the first signs of premature skin aging in combination with Moisture Glow Cream, creates a delicate glow thanks to light-reflecting pigments and balances out irregularities in the complexi..
3 biometriskie peptīdi ar organisko silīciju un 2D hiluronskābi vienā formulā palīdz stimulēt ādas dabīgo augšanas faktoru un atjaunošanos, uztur ādas elastību...
With spring comes the Perfect Skin Collection, consisting of 14 perfectly coordinated ampoules, offering the ultimate active ingredient power to leave your skin radiant in just 2 weeks. These iconic ampoules offer a perfect moment of indulgence for spring-fresh skin...